André Maeder
“Seven-day opening! Nobody understands why stores aren’t open on Sunday mornings. Give customers the freedom to make their own decisions!”
“People want to go out and meet their friends! After two years, they’re sick of sitting around at home. There’s a deep need to catch up, to not be alone, to meet people, and this will definitely continue into the future.”
Nina Müller
CEO Jelmoli
“A few years ago, all we heard was ‘Are you crazy?’ Now we find that ideas like ‘rent your runway’ or ‘rent your evening wardrobe’ are helping to carve out our image as a meeting-place where people come together––and, fortunately, to shop.”
“Jelmoli’s unique feature is the way in which we curate our retail areas. Our aim is to reinvent the department store. Sustainability plays a major role in how we curate our retail areas.”
Benjamin Fuest
Member of the Executive Board, E. Breuninger
“We have a mission to contribute to urban development. Participating in the design of modern urban districts is a future-facing task.”
“The whole store is a stage. You need to create worlds where goods are not the only talking-point.”
“As a general trend, we are seeing a huge shift towards evenings and Saturdays.”