Michael Schwarz
Executive Director Baden-Baden Entrepreneur Talks (BBUG)
interviewed by Stephan Balzer – Co-Founder Boma Global
“We combed the program listings from previous decades and noticed that some topics recurred constantly––like energy supply, European integration, and so on. But the issues that have changed the most are those that address leadership behavior and leadership style.”
“We pondered for a long time about whether to introduce guided meditation, or maybe morning yoga. We’re well aware that 50 percent of our network might discount it as esoteric stuff, but there were also many executives who were genuinely grateful.”
“180 out of 3000 alumni are women––130 of them in the past seven years. So the trend is definitely increasing.
Nobody can really explain where current energy prices come from. Nobody can explain exactly how laws are created. But there are some things where a certain depth of understanding is essential. We enable people to ask questions in a secure, select space.”
“Our advice is that however good you may be as communicators, you need a mechanism to transport that communication into the company. The changing stakeholder landscape, the changing employment market, the current crisis all point to one thing: good communicators are essential.”